Next thursday, 25th February, the reading activity at the school´s library will be in English. Several students from 1ºE, Huoda, Juana Mª, Najia, Miguel Ángel and Daniel will read. The title of the lecture is "Miscellaneous reading". We hope this reading to be the begining of many others in different languages from all over the world. The meeting is, as usual, at the library in the first break at ten past ten.
Here we have one of the pieces that will be read: "The Girl with many eyes", by Tim Burton.
The Girl with Many eyes
One day in the park I had quite a surprise, |
I met a girl who had many eyes. |
She was really quite pretty (and also quite shocking!) and I noticed she had a mouth so we ended up talking. |
We talked about flowers, and her poetry classes, and the problems she'd have if she ever wore glasses. |
It's great to know a girl who has so many eyes, but you really get wet when she breaks down and cries. |
Grande Tim Burton, no me lo perderé.
ResponderEliminar¡Enhorabuena a los lectores de hoy!....una gran valentía al leer en inglés y, por cierto, una pronunciación excelente.
WOW!!I´m really impressed.Well done!
ResponderEliminar¡Qué manera de subir el nivel!Muy buena idea. Me encanta.Os seguiré de cerca.
Besos de vuestra antigua compañera y profe.